Associate Professor, Communication Arts & Sciences and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
at Penn State Berks
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Short Bio:
E. Michele Ramsey (Ph.D. University of Georgia, Speech Communication) is associate professor of communication arts and sciences and women’s studies at Penn State, Berks College. Her research interests include: feminist media and rhetorical criticism; political communication, with a focus on women’s rights rhetoric; social movements; and the rhetoric of American horror film. She teaches courses in public speaking, the rhetoric of American horror film, conflict management, gender roles in communication, and political communication. She has won a number of local, college, university, and national awards for her teaching, research, and service.
She’s the co-author of Major Decisions: College, Career, and the Case for the Humanities (with Dr. Laurie Grobman, forthcoming from the University of Pennsylvania Press). Her scholarship has appeared in Critical Studies in Media Communication, Western Journal of Communication, Feminist Media Studies, Women’s Studies in Communication, Women and Language, Journal for the Association of Communication Administration, Journal of Media Literacy Education, Journal of Religion and Business Ethics, Communication Teacher, Teaching Ideas for the Basic Course, and the Encyclopedia of Health and Risk Management Design and Processing (Oxford University Press).
Long Bio:
E. Michele Ramsey is associate professor of communication arts and sciences and women’s studies at Penn State, Berks College. She earned her B.A.A.S. in political science at the University of North Texas, her M.S. in communication studies at the University of North Texas, and her Ph.D. in speech communication from the University of Georgia. Her research interests include: feminist media and rhetorical criticism; political communication, with a focus on women’s rights rhetoric; social movements; and the rhetoric of American horror film. She teaches courses in public speaking, the rhetoric of American horror film, conflict management, gender roles in communication, and political communication.
She’s the co-author of Major Decisions: College, Career, and the Case for the Humanities (with Dr. Laurie Grobman, forthcoming from the University of Pennsylvania Press). Her scholarship has appeared in Critical Studies in Media Communication, Western Journal of Communication, Feminist Media Studies, Women’s Studies in Communication, Women and Language, Journal for the Association of Communication Administration, Journal of Media Literacy Education, Journal of Religion and Business Ethics, Communication Teacher, Teaching Ideas for the Basic Course, and the Encyclopedia of Health and Risk Management Design and Processing (Oxford University Press).
She's won a number of awards for her research, teaching, and service including: The 2001 Cheris Kramarae Dissertation Award; the 2006 Penn State Berks Outstanding Faculty Advising Award; the 2008 Penn State Berks Outstanding Faculty Service Award; the 2009 Curricular Integration Award from the President's Commission on LGBTQ Equity at Penn State University; the 2010 Achieving Woman Award and 2015 Rosemary Schraer Mentoring Award, both from the President's Commission on Women at Penn State University; the 2016 Community Partnership Award from the Junior League of Reading; and the 2017 Feminist Teacher/Mentor Award from the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender.
Originally from Texas, she moved to Penn State Berks in 2000 and founded the major in communication arts & sciences at the college. She founded and heads a charity that gives economically disadvantaged students free laptops to take with them to college. Last year the group donated 15 laptops to seniors at Lewisville High School in Texas. She lives in Mt. Penn, Pennsylvania with her husband and their three cats, Patches, Parker, and Penny.